I am not anorexic or bulimic, I want to make that perfectly clear. I have EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified, I may be Pro ana, and know her well but I am not anorexic, I think that's plain to see by how fat I am!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

So far, so good, getting excited!!!

Hello beautiful wintergirls, as you can see I'm still feeling pretty upbeat and happy! Last night I took some lax, and this morning I weighed 187! I'd gone to bed at a whopping 191! So I have cleansed myself just a fair bit for tomorrow's fast.

Took my dad to the gym today, he loved it :) We had a great time, and we really pushed one another beyond out normal limits! I pushed 80 kg on the leg press!!! Hehe, feeling happy. I'm preparing myself a detox bath of Sea salt, bath salts and lavender oil. I wanted Epsom salts too but the shops are shut. Hoping to feel myself sweat out lots of impurities and toxins, it a body this fat I must have tonnes lol. I'm sure my water fast will get rid of lots too...

I soooo can't wait to be thin and beautiful, to be pure inside and out. I have 28days to lose 28lbs, I'm meeting my ex boyfriend and I want to look good (well better than I am lol) to just show him what he's missing, hehe am I cruel? I hope I do it, hopefully I can lose at least 10lbs next week, then I won't feel so much pressure 21 days to lose 18lbs...well there's still alot of pressure lol.

Hey ho, I'm feeling toooo good to let it get me down. I've been bad in that I've not eaten every few hours, but I ate good today. I had my actimel tummy drink for breakfast and a black coffee. Then went to the gym for 2 and a half hrs with dad, drank my protein drink in the car. I had a stir fry with Brocolli, bok choi, sweet pea, green beans, garlic, chilli and prawns (200 cal) could only eat half though, so the rest is in the fridge. I had a choc petite filous too (55cal) So everything in total so far is 300cal :)

Might have a glass of mixed fruit juice later, just to top up my nutrients for the next 7 days, then that's it...I'm ready and prepared!

Mantra for the day: With determination, anything is possible

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